Enola Sugar
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Wine, the wonderful liquor resulted by means of complete orpartial fermentation of the technologically processed grapes or of freshmust. It contains easy to assimilate substances like: sugars, ethylicalcohol, glycerin, organic acids, tannin, esters, aldehyde, proteins, aminoacids, vitamins, mineral salts and others. All these el ements award the winewith organoleptic qualities, aroma and savor. The present essay studies thephysical and chemical aspects of the flavored and demy flavored wines in\"Recas\" vineyard, the following breeds being selected: MuscatOttonel, Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonney. The analyzed wines, sweet, semisweet and demi-sec have been obtained through the vineyards' technologythat has been applied during the year of processing. As a wine analysisselection criterion, years 2010 and 2011 have been taken into consideration,years with very rich crops from the climatic, quality and quantity aspects.The results that have been obtained led to situating the wines in thegeographical indication \"Viile Timisului\".
On the score of the obtained results, it can be observed that thesemi sweet Muscat Ottonel presents values of reducing sugars between 32.5 and33.4 g/l duning the two years, and the sweet one does not exceed 50.5 g/lwith pH level of 3.40. The fructose varies between 8.9-9.9% and the glucosebetween 7.3-9.9%. As resulted from table 1, the total acidity is situatedbetween 4.3 and 4.9 g/l and the tartaric acid does not exceed 1.2 g/l. Thealcohol concentration is situated between 10.79% v/v and 11.62% v/v. Thepolyphenols oscillate between 0.034-0.062 g/l and the glycerol reaches 0.0650g/l.
For the demy-sweet Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay we can observe,as ollistrated in Table 2, values of the alcohol concentration reaching13.53% v/v. The reducing sugar does not exceed 3.51 g/l and the total acidityreaches 5.2 g/l, expressed in tartaric acid. The pH varies between 3.1 and3.2 and the polyphenols are situated between 0.032 and 0.043, no significantdifferences existing between the two years. The proportion between glucoseand fructose is maintained constant and the dissolved oxygen is situatedbetween 0.13 and 0.14 g/l. 59ce067264