A Single Shardl
A Single Shardl - https://byltly.com/2tsynQ
Tree-ear overhears the conversation between Min and the emissary and offers to take a sample of Min's work to Songdo for him, as a gift to Min's wife who has befriended and cared for Tree-ear over the past year. Once again, Min works quickly to create two melon-shaped vases with intricate, inlaid flowers along the side. Crane-man is hired to create a basket that will carry the vases without breaking them. After taking care to be sure Crane-man will be cared for during his absence, Tree-ear sets off alone for the capital city.Tree-ear walks alone for days. When he reaches the city of Puyo, he goes up to a mountain cliff called the Rock of Falling Flowers. At the top of the cliff, Tree-ear is attacked by two robbers who steal all his coins and throw the vases over the edge of the cliff to the river below. After they have gone, Tree-ear rushes down to the river to check on the fate of the vases. Both vases are broken but one has broken in large pieces, allowing Tree-ear to take a single shard of the broken vase and continue his journey.
When Tree-ear arrives in Songdo, he sees the familiar chrysanthemums and colors on a stall selling pottery. When the stall owner sees Tree-ear's interest, he tells him that the work was already one of the King's favorites. Tree-ear talks his way into a meeting with the emissary when he arrives at the palace. Tree-ear reveals his attack by the robbers and then shows the single shard. Despite the incredulity of the emissary's assistant, Min is offered a commission and Tree-ear is given safe passage home on a ship. Once home, Tree-ear goes directly to the home of Min to tell him about the commission. Min has news for Tree-ear as well. Crane-man died a few days before when a farmer's cart broke the rotten bridge railing, causing him to fall into the cold water. Tree-ear is devastated by this news and afraid for his own future. However, Min's wife tells him that he is to move in with her and her husband. They give Tree-ear the name of their son, Hyung-pil. Later, Min reveals that he intends to teach Tree-ear/Hyung-pil the art of pottery. The ending of the story reveals that Tree-ear, or Hyung-pil, created the \"Thousand Cranes Vase\", which is the finest example of inlaid celadon pottery from in the seventeenth century.
Restoring a single shard from backup with other unaffected shardsrequires a number of special considerations and practices. Thisdocument outlines the additional tasks you must perform when restoringa single shard.
To easily scale out databases on Azure SQL Database, use a shard map manager. The shard map manager is a special database that maintains global mapping information about all shards (databases) in a shard set. The metadata allows an application to connect to the correct database based upon the value of the sharding key. In addition, every shard in the set contains maps that track the local shard data (known as shardlets).
For a single-tenant model, create a list-mapping shard map. The single-tenant model assigns one database per tenant. This is an effective model for SaaS developers as it simplifies shard map management.
Shards contain shardlets and the mapping of shardlets to shards is maintained by a shard map. A list shard map is an association between the individual key values that identify the shardlets and the databases that serve as shards. List mappings are explicit and different key values can be mapped to the same database. For example, key value 1 maps to Database A, and key values 3 and 6 both maps to Database B.
Please Note: The ShardMapManager should be instantiated only once per app domain, within the initialization code for an application. Creation of additional instances of ShardMapManager in the same app domain results in increased memory and CPU utilization of the application. A ShardMapManager can contain any number of shard maps. While a single shard map may be sufficient for many applications, there are times when different sets of databases are used for different schema or for unique purposes; in those cases multiple shard maps may be preferable.
Note that split and merge operations do not change the shard to which key values are mapped. A split breaks an existing range into two parts, but leaves both as mapped to the same shard. A merge operates on two adjacent ranges that are already mapped to the same shard, coalescing them into a single range. The movement of points or ranges themselves between shards needs to be coordinated by using UpdateMapping in conjunction with actual data movement. You can use the Split/Merge service that is part of elastic database tools to coordinate shard map changes with data movement, when movement is needed.
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