In anticipation of the Division of Mortgage Lending’s Workshop scheduled for December 6, 2022, this email is provided to afford you the opportunity to provide any further input you may wish to submit to the Division concerning its proposed amendments to Chapters 645B and 645E of the Nevada Revised Statues and Administrative Code (“NAC”) governing mortgage brokers, mortgage agents, and mortgage bankers.
Attached is the Notice of Workshop, Proposed Regulation, and Small Business Impact Statement for NAC 645B and NAC 645E. This information is also provided on the Division’s website at
The Division has proposed the draft regulations in response to Assembly Bill 468 (“AB 468”), as passed during the 2017 session of the Nevada Legislature. The proposed regulations revise and repeal the provisions of NAC 645B and NAC 645E. Specifically, the proposed language eliminates the distinction between mortgage brokers and mortgage bankers to a new term “mortgage company” and the term mortgage agent is replaced by the term “mortgage loan originator.” The new terms mortgage company and mortgage loan originator have been in effect since January 1, 2020.